Teenagers are extremely conscious about how they look and often obsess over details that adults disregard as important. They do not dress up in the same way that we do. Some teenagers are ‘self-consciousness’ that generates a horror of drawing too much attention to themselves. As a result, they go for the not – looking very dressed up look. Others enjoy getting all the attention they get and will wear just about anything to get it. The clothes we choose reflect our mood and style. They, in some way, also reflect one’s overall confidence. A person’s confidence level significantly affects how other people perceive and respond to them.
As people grow up, they form their sense of self through the clothes that they wear. Teenagers use fashion as a route to express themselves as well as their affiliations, gain social status and bond with their peers.
The adolescence phase is marked by the search for a personal identity and what adolescents wear plays a huge role in forging that identity. Teenagers express themselves through clothes and hairstyles. What a teenager chooses to wear a way of individuating themselves and demonstrating how they want the world to see them. Research also proven that when teenagers has put on a piece of clothing, they cannot help but adopt some of the characteristics associated with the clothes. For example, teenager who prefer wearing gothic outfits tend to have some associated traits like getting tattoos, piercings and applying dark make up.  


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